Bunias orientalis 15+ PCS fresh seeds, Bunias, Turkish wartycabbage seeds, Warty-cabbage, Hill mustard, Turkish rocket, Flower seeds

Oreshka seeds
Bunias, Turkish wartycabbage seeds, Warty-cabbage, Hill mustard, Turkish rocket (lat. Bunias orientalis)

A perennial or biennial herbaceous plant. The root is spindle-shaped, rod-shaped, in old plants up to 5-6 cm thick in the upper part, deepening to 2 m[4]. In the first year of the plant's life, the roots are up to 30 cm deep, with age the root system often becomes more complicated, several tap roots are formed or large lateral roots develop. Thin suction lateral roots are replaced annually, they are distributed throughout the entire length of the large roots. The color of the roots in young plants is yellowish — light brown, in old plants-dark brown.
The stems develop in the second year, often among several, 40-100 cm high (occasionally 25-150 cm), up to 1 cm thick at the base, strongly branching in the upper part, ribbed-rounded to oval in cross-section, rough, covered with dark warts and downwardly directed stiff simple, sometimes two-part, hairs, most abundant in the lower part.
The flowers are yellow, in a panicle; the sepals are horizontally protruding; the stems and pedicels are covered with warts.
All leaves with a few warty glands or with two-pointed non-fibrous hairs. The venation is distinctly pinnate, the middle and some lateral veins are noticeably convex from the lower side.
The fruit is an asymmetric warty pod. Seeds rarely germinate in the year of maturation, which is prevented by the presence of a dense woody pericarp. The main part germinates in the spring after overwintering, in the autumn of the following year, or the following spring after repeated overwintering. The germination period is greatly stretched, some seeds can germinate even 6 years after maturation.
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