Fallopia convolvulus 20 PCS fresh seeds, The black-bindweed, Wild buckwheat, Bind-corn, Climbing bindweed, Flower herb seeds

Oreshka seeds
The black-bindweed, Wild buckwheat, Bind-corn, Climbing bindweed (lat. Fallopia convolvulus)

An annual plant.
The stem is thin, strong, simple or curly, up to 100 cm long.
The leaves are petiolate, ovate-triangular, sharp, deeply heart-shaped at the base.
The flowers are small, collected 3-6 in the axils of the leaves. The perianth is green outside, white or pink inside. It blooms from June to September.
The fruit is a triangular nut. It bears fruit from July to October. It can retain viability in the soil for more than six years.
See also