Large burdock 50 PCS / 500 PCS fresh seeds, Arctium lappa

Oreshka seeds
Large burdock (Arctium lappa). Taxon: Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae). English: Burdock, Edible Burdock, Lappa, Beggar's Buttons, Gobo
The botanical name of the genus Arctium comes from the Greek word arctos-bear; the species name-lappa-from the Greek iavcin — to take, cling, grab.
Burdock large-a large two-year herbaceous plant with a height of 60-180 cm. The root is fleshy, tapeworm, sparsely branched, fusiform, up to 60 cm long, in the first year of life it is juicy, and in the second it becomes flabby and hollow inside. In the first year, the burdock forms basal leaves, in the second-a powerful, erect, ribbed, reddish, strongly branched in the upper part, slightly glandular stem. The leaves are petiolate, gradually decreasing towards the top of the stem, broadly heart-shaped-ovate, toothed, with sparse short hairs or glabrous above, grayish-felt below. The lower leaves are large, up to 50 cm long and wide. The flowers are collected in spherical baskets with a diameter of 3-3. 5 cm, arranged in the form of a corymb or corymb-like panicle at the ends of the stem and its branches. The wrapper of the baskets is bare, green, and consists of tiled-arranged linear, gradually pointed, rigid, hooked-curved leaves. The general bed of the basket is slightly convex, densely set with rigid, linear-awl-shaped bracts. All flowers are tubular, bisexual, with a purple-purple corolla. Calyx in the form of a tuft. Stamens 5, anthers fused into a tube with arrow-shaped appendages. Pistil with lower odnognezdnoy ovary. The fruits of the burdock are oblong, glabrous, ribbed, spotted achenes, 5-7 mm long, with a tuft of multi-row yellowish-white, hard, easily falling hairs. The crest is 2 times shorter than the achenes.
Burdock blooms in June-August. The fruits ripen in September-October.
Burdock grows as a weed near housing, in vacant lots, near roads, sometimes in forests on clearings, among shrubs throughout the steppe and forest-steppe zone of the European part of Russia, in the Urals, partly in Western Siberia and in the south of the Far East (including Sakhalin), in the Caucasus.
It usually grows in garbage, abandoned and disturbed areas rich in nitrogen. It grows along the banks of rivers and streams, occasionally in crops.
Medicinal raw materials are the leaves, thorns and roots of burdock.
The roots (apothecary name Radix Bardanae) of plants of the first year are dug out in late April — early May, when the burdock still has no stems, but leaves have appeared, or in September—October, after the leaves dry out. Flabby and woody roots are unsuitable for medicinal purposes. Juicy roots are dried in the sun, and then remove the earth from them with their hands. In any case, you can not remove the skin from them — it contains a lot of useful substances. Dried without much delay, cut lengthwise into pieces of 10-15 cm, dried in dryers or ovens at a temperature of 40 °C.
Burdock leaves are collected in July-August, dried in the shade, in a draft; seeds-as they ripen. The shelf life of roots with proper storage is up to 5 years, seeds-3 years, leaves-1 year.
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