Botanical description. Sweet-smelling bath. Kupena ordinary, Kupena drugstore, Kupena medicinal (Latin Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce,), folk names: "kokornik", "Solomon's seal", limited common names: Wolf berries, Foam-kupena, Sorochy berries – a perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Kupena (Polygonatum) of the Lily of the valley family (Convallariaceae). Perennial naked herbaceous plant 10-50 cm high with a powerful scaly, creeping, branching rhizome. The stem is erect, slightly arched, and faceted. The leaves are alternate, oblong-ovate, elliptical, sessile, semi-stem-embracing, gray-green below. The flowers are white, odorous, tubular, regular, bisexual, emerge from the leaf axils singly, rarely two or more on peduncles about 20 mm long. Fruit – blue-black, with a touch, berry size from 8 to 12 mm. Blooms from may to June.
Habitat. Forests, meadows, and edges.
Ecology. It grows on drying, slightly acidic, rich, humus, loose, mostly small, sandy, stony and clay soils.
Distribution. It is found throughout the European part of Russia, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in Ukraine, and in Belarus. In the Altai nature reserve
Features. The plant is poisonous. A geophyte plant. (from other-Greek. γῆ – Earth, soil + φυτóν – plant; literally "underground plant») – the life form of plants, the buds of renewal and termination of shoots in which they endure an unfavorable period in the soil. Unfavorable conditions include both drought and frost. Geophytes usually have a supply of nutrients.
Value. Ornamental plant. Medicinal plant – grass (stems, leaves, flowers), rhizomes are used for medicinal purposes. Grass is harvested in may-June, rhizomes - in late autumn. The rhizomes of kupena officinalis contain a large amount of mucus, starch, ascorbic acid, alkaloids, fructose, glucose, arabinose. In all parts of kupena, and especially in its fruits, there are heart glycosides inherent in the Lily of the valley - convallarin, convallamarin, convallatoxin. The leaves contain a large amount of vitamin C. Folk medicine uses kupena medicinal for rheumatism, hemorrhoids, colds, dropsy and edema of various origins, colds, hernias, lower back pain, diabetes, as well as expectorant, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, blood purifying, emetic, softening and enveloping agent. Externally, fresh leaves are applied to wounds, and boiled leaves are used as poultices for bruises. Decoction and alcohol tincture of rhizomes are used for bronchitis, pneumonia, peptic ulcer, headache, heart ailments, osteochondrosis, gout, arthritis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Juice of fresh rhizomes removes spots and freckles on the face (keep in mind the possibility of burns). Status . Rare or protected plant. The species is listed in the Red books of the Vologda region, Moscow, and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).