Orthilia secunda 100+ PCS fresh seeds, Borovaya matka, Sidebells wintergreen, Pyrola secunda, One-sided-wintergreen, Serrated-wintergreen

Oreshka seeds
Borovaya matka, Sidebells wintergreen, Pyrola secunda, One-sided-wintergreen, Serrated-wintergreen, Pyrola seeds (lat. Orthilia secunda)

A perennial herbaceous plant. Folk names of the plant: bokotsvetka, borovaya grass, borovinka, wine grass, hare salt, grushovnik, forest pear, wintergreen.
Shoots are 5-25 cm high, lying down. The rhizome is long branched, the subordinate roots are numerous, thin. The annual growth of the rhizome can reach 1 m.
The leaves are winter-green, alternate, oval or rounded, whole-edged or slightly urban, clearly petiolate, ovate-lanceolate scaly, green or brownish, up to 8 mm long, light green oblong — ovate pointed, up to 4 cm long, rather thin in the upper part of the stem. The leaves are located at the bottom of the stem, but are not crowded into a rosette. The petiole is usually shorter than the leaf blade, but sometimes equal to it.
The flowers are drooping, collected by 8-18 in a dense multi-flowered raceme of one-sided inflorescence. The corolla is greenish-white, almost bell-shaped, regular, 4-5 mm long, with converging petals, finely toothed at the edges. There are 5 petals and sepals, the lobes of the calyx are triangular, finely toothed. The stamens are erect. The column is longer than the corolla, without a ring, straight. The stigma is wide, almost stellate, pentagonal. Anthers without horns. At the base of the ovary is a glandular subpestial disk with 10 denticles. In the European part of Russia, it blooms in June—July.
The fruit is an oval box up to 6 mm long, opens from the bottom up. It bears fruit in August.
See also