Galium mollugo 100+ PCS fresh seeds, Hedge bedstraw, Bedstraw seeds, False baby's breath, Flower herb seeds

Oreshka seeds
Hedge bedstraw (lat. Galium mollugo)

A perennial rhizomatous rod-root herbaceous plant. The height of the ascending tetrahedral branched stems reaches from 25 to 125 cm. The leaves are obovate or linear-oblong, pointed, with one vein, collected in whorls of 6-8 leaves, green on both sides, glabrous, with short bristles along the edges. The length of the sheet is about 2 cm, the width is 2.5 mm.
Soft bedstraw — polycarpic. Blooms in June — September. The inflorescence is a terminal panicle, spreading, with deflected branches and branched peduncles. The pedicels are short, the corolla is white, with a diameter of 2 to 5 mm, with long blade tips. Anthers are blackening. The fruit is fractional, divided into bare mericarps with a finely wrinkled surface of almost black color.
See also