Goldenrod 1000+ PCS / 10000+ PCS fresh seeds, Solidago virgurea

Oreshka seeds
Goldenrod, or Golden rose (Latin: Solidago virgurea) is a perennial herbaceous plant; a species of the genus Goldenrod of the Asteraceae family. Goldenrod is a perennial racemose herbaceous plant. The elongated oblong strong root of the plant thoroughly goes into the ground. On the surface, you can see a low-branched simple shoot, up to 100 cm high. The satiny bark covers the straight stem of the goldenrod. It can be an emerald or purple shade.
Goldenrod blooms from May to September. The inflorescences consist of bell-shaped lemon-colored buds. The length of the flowers reaches 8 mm. At the edges grow bells with lemon-colored petals, and in the center they are distinguished by chestnut-yellow colors. The fruit formed after pollination is an achene, shaped like a cylinder with longitudinal ribs, up to 4 mm long. The roots of the plant are quite powerful, strong, and deep. On the surface of the soil, the shoot grows not too branched, of a simple type. The height of the grass is up to 1 meter, the type of stem is longitudinal, straight. The stem is covered with a satin-type bark, the color is purple or emerald. The foliage of the grass has a juicy shade of green, looks like an oval or egg in shape. The edges are sawtooth, with notches along the edge. At the bottom, the foliage grows narrower and longer, somewhat similar to the leaves of a willow.
Flowering begins in late spring and continues until autumn, the yellow beauty of the inflorescences is very spectacular.
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