White swiss chard 100+ PCS fresh seeds, Beta vulgaris cicla, Swiss chard white, Perpetual spinach, Rhubarb, Vegetable seed, Organic seeds

Oreshka seeds
White swiss chard, Beta vulgaris cicla, Swiss chard white, Perpetual spinach, Rhubarb, Vegetable seed

Chard or leaf beet is a valuable vegetable crop from the family of Marevye. The variety is medium-ripe, from germination to harvesting takes 55-65 days. Young leaves and petioles of chard contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. The rosette of leaves is vertical, compact, up to 60 cm high. The leaves are medium-sized, dark green, slightly bubbly, tender, delicious. Petioles are long, wide, juicy, white with a golden hue, 30-45 cm long. The variety is relatively drought-and cold-resistant. In cooking, chard leaves are used for making cabbage rolls, vegetable soups, stews, plant stalks are marinated, stewed, and caviar is made. Sowing in open ground-in early May, to a depth of 2.5 cm. Multiple cuts are allowed.The yield of leaves and petioles is 6-7 kg / m2.
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