Trigonella caerulea 100+ PCS fresh seeds, Blue fenugreek, Sweet trefoil, Blue melilot, Herb seeds, Flower seeds, Organic seeds,Culinary herb

Oreshka seeds
Trigonella caerulea fresh seeds, Blue fenugreek, Sweet trefoil, Blue melilot, Herb seeds, Flower seeds, Organic seeds,Culinary herb (lat. Trigonella caerulea).

A species of the genus Fenugreek (Trigonella) of the Legume family (Fabaceae). An annual plant 30-80 cm tall . The stem is straight with densely upward-pointing branches.

The leaves are ovate, 2-5 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, oblong at the upper leaves, sharp-toothed at the edges. Stipules are triangular-lanceolate, toothed. The legs of the inflorescences are longer than the leaves.

The inflorescence is thick, glabrous, spherical, after flowering it does not stretch and does not become loose. The calyx is twice as short as the corolla, its teeth are lanceolate, equal to the tube, the corolla is 5-6 mm long, blue, notched.

The fruit is a bean, obovate-rhombic, three times longer than the calyx, sharply narrowed into an almost straight spout, 2 mm long, with slightly noticeable veins. Blooms in May - June. Fruiting in June - July.

It grows in fields among shrubs. All parts of the plants have a strong aroma.
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