Artemisia abrotanum 100+ PCS fresh seeds, Southernwood herb, Lad's love, Southern wormwood, Wormwood herb

Oreshka seeds
Southernwood herb, Lad's love, Southern wormwood, Wormwood medicinal herb (lat. Artemisia abrotanum)

A perennial plant
The height of the plant is from 50 to 120 cm. The unbranched shoots are erect, almost completely woody to the very tops, thick (up to 1.5 cm across).
The leaves are grayish in color, at first pubescent, eventually becoming almost naked. The leaf blades are twice or thrice pinnately dissected into narrow, long, almost threadlike lobes (which makes them look openwork). Lower and middle stem leaves with petioles.
The flowers are collected in spherical small (2-3 mm wide) baskets, forming loose paniculate drooping inflorescences. Marginal female flowers are narrow — tubular, bisexual median-tubular.
See also