Nelumbo nucifera 5 PCS fresh seeds, Indian lotus, Sacred lotus, Pink lotus seeds, Aquatic plant, Lotus flower, Perennial flowering plants

Oreshka seeds
Nut lotus (lat. Nelumbo nucifera)

Refers to perennial plants. Its natural habitat is the tropics. Lotus is considered a medicinal and ornamental plant.

Nut lotus is the most striking representative of the coastal flora. It feels best in still water or on rivers with very little current. In its natural habitat it creates thickets. It blooms with large pink flowers that do not float on the water, but rise two meters in height. This is a unique spectacle that will be remembered for a long time.

The flowers emit a very pleasant aroma, therefore they are classified as honey-bearing flowers. The lotus has quite strong roots, with an impressive supply of vitamins and microelements. It does not tolerate frost and drought and dies immediately. A tropical climate suits it best.

The plant is edible, therefore it is used in pharmacology and the food industry.
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