Set seeds of Northern lotuses - Nelumbo nucifera Komarov & Nelumbo nucifera Indian lotus, Sacred lotus, Rare pink lotus seeds, Aquatic plant
Oreshka seeds
Set seeds of Northern lotuses - Nelumbo nucifera Indian lotus & Nelumbo nucifera Indian lotus, Sacred lotus, Rare pink lotus seeds, Aquatic plant
The seed set consists of: Lotus Komarov seeds, Lotus nut-bearing seeds. Lotus Komarov seeds: The Komarov lotus is named after a famous botanist and according to some sources existed in prehistoric times. It easily tolerates harsh winters, but its root must be in the mud. The lotus blooms for a very short time, so you can enjoy its flowering from July to September. Later, the seeds, hidden in the boxes, ripen and are small nuts inside. Lotus nut-bearing seeds: it belongs to perennial plants. Its natural habitat is the tropics. The lotus is considered a medicinal, ornamental plant. This is a fairly rare species, so it is listed in the Red Book. The nut-bearing lotus is the brightest representative of the coastal flora. It feels best in stagnant water or on rivers with a very small current. In its natural habitat, it creates thickets. It blooms with large pink flowers that do not float on the water, but rise to two meters in height.
Seeds included: Nelumbo nucifera Indian lotus seeds 3 pcs; Nelumbo nucifera Indian lotus seeds 3 pcs.
And nice bonuses from us: a lunar calendar, stickers on pots, a quick guide to germinating seeds and gift seeds!