Korean cedar 30 PCS / 100 PCS fresh seeds, Pinus koraensis seeds

Oreshka seeds
Korean cedar, or Manchurian cedar, or Korean pine, also Korean cedar pine (lat. Pinus koraensis)

Coniferous tree, one of the species of the genus Pine. A tall tree up to 40-50 m tall, in diameter can reach 1.5-2 m, the volume of wood of the trunk part is up to 15-17 m3. The bark is brown-gray with a reddish tinge, flaky, rather thin. The crown is developed, dense, cone-shaped or rounded-ovoid in young trees, oblong-cylindrical or obovate in old age, and often multi-vertex in over-standing trees. The root system is characterized by an underdeveloped taproot and numerous lateral roots lying in the soil no deeper than 1 m. The trees are wind-resistant. Over the years, it becomes light-loving, needs fresh, fertile, but not waterlogged soil.
Young shoots are thin, densely pubescent with red hairs. Cedar needles are bluish-green, triangular, long (7-20 cm) with a width of 1-1.5 mm, with rough-jagged ribs. The needles are collected in bundles of five needles, they last from two to four years on the branches (it changes every 4-6 years.
The plant is monoecious. Male spikelets are yellow, female cones are reddish-purple. "Blooms" in May - early June. Cones ripen at the end of August - October the next year after "flowering", large, up to 17 cm long, up to 8 cm wide and more, elongated-ovoid, do not open when ripe. As a rule, after ripening in autumn or early winter, they fall together with the seeds. Each cone contains many nuts (cedar seeds); the seeds are obovate, 14-18 mm long with a width of 8-10 mm, with a thick woody peel, wingless, of various shapes and sizes. One tree can produce about 500 cones; in a cone of average size from 130 to 150 "nuts". On young cedars, cones and seeds are significantly larger than on old and overgrown ones, at the same time, the number of cones on young trees is less than on old ones.
Abundant seed harvests are observed every three to four years. In natural conditions, cedars begin to bear fruit from 60-120 years, and in crops and in good light - from 20-30 years. It usually lives up to 350-400 years, but 500-year-old specimens are often found, and sometimes older.
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