Red Japanese pine (Pinus densiflora) 20 PCS fresh seeds
Oreshka seeds
Japanese red pine (lat. Pinus densiflora)
Pine densely flowered, or densely flowered, or Japanese red, is a plant of the genus Pine of the Pinaceae family. It is one of the rare tree species in Russia.
The tree can reach a height of 30 m, and the trunk diameter can be up to 70-150 cm. In places protected from the wind, this pine has its characteristic crown - wide, spreading, rounded, very dense.
The bark is flaky, red-brown, gray-brown at the bottom of the trunks, orange-red on young branches.
The leaves are needles, two in a bunch. Length - 5-15 cm, width - 1 mm. Vegetative buds are oblong-ovoid, slightly resinous.
The cones are almost sessile, conical-oval, 3-5.5 cm long. Pollination occurs in May, seeds ripen in October.
It grows on dry rocky slopes, cliffs, rocks, as well as on sandy river and lake sediments. Soils: brown forest, does not tolerate damp soils. Very photophilous. Requires good drainage. Suitable for planting in open areas, on sand dunes and rocks.