Pisum Sativum Ambrosia seeds. Super sugar snap pea 25 fresh seeds from Ural

Oreshka seeds
Ambrosia peas are one of the most striking examples of early-maturing sugar peas. Its advantages over medium-ripened analogues have done their job, Ragweed peas are in demand in all parts of Russia.
With 1 sq. m. harvest 1.3 kg. The plant is unpretentious, the main care will be required in the early stages of growth.
The cultivation of peas Ambrosia
The main features of the plant are indicated on the package with seeds and may differ slightly. In practice, Ragweed peas are ready for harvest on the 55th day after germination. The stem reaches a length of up to 70 cm, as a rule, the plant is grown without supports, but experienced gardeners advise them to put them. The characteristics of the fruit are striking: each pod contains 7-8 peas. Each pea is characterized by a fleshy, full-bodied flavor, thick walls.
Before planting seeds, it is necessary to study the characteristics of the plant, its needs in the soil, to create the most favorable conditions. Growing Ambrosia peas will require responsibility from the gardener and a little time for watering and fertilizing the plant. But you can enjoy the result of your work for a year.

Sowing should be done 2-3 centimeters in fertile soil, repeatedly, from the third decade of April to the end of June. Between crops, it is necessary to adhere to the interval from a week to 10 days. When sowing in rows, the distance between them should be 20-30 cm. Up to 100 seeds are sown per 1 sq. m. In the following year to sow peas in the same area experienced growers do not recommend.
To get a full-fledged crop and protect it in the early stages, it is recommended to cover the early shoots with a fishing net. This protection will protect the shoots from birds.

When the first shoots appeared, the gardener needs to feed the plant with a complex mineral fertilizer and water it.

Beans: Beans

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