Tomato Prince Borghese 10 PCS fresh seeds

Oreshka seeds
Tomato Prince Borghese
Indeterminate tall variety native to sunny Italy. It is intended for greenhouse cultivation, although in warm regions it successfully bears fruit in open beds.
Features of the bushes: the
height of the shoots is 2 m;
pronounced leafiness and branching;
number of bunches 10-12;
tomatoes on a brush of 12-25 pcs.
Early maturation is friendly – after 90-95 days from germination.
The crop is harvested with brushes.
Fruit description:
average weight 10-25 g;
shape like a plum;
the color is bright red;
the skin is dense;
the flesh is fleshy.
the taste is sweet-sour.

Tomato: Tomato

See also