Hot pepper Fresno 5 PCS fresh seeds, Red chilli pepper seeds, Spicy pepper seeds, Pepper veg, Capsicum annuum, Organic seeds, Non GMO
Oreshka seeds
Hot pepper Fresno fresh seeds, Red chilli pepper seeds, Spicy pepper seeds, Pepper veg, Organic seeds, Non GMO (lat. Capsicum annuum).
Fresno Red Chili peppers are small, slightly curved pods, averaging 5 to 7 centimeters in length. They have a conical shape that tapers to a rounded part at the end. The height of the plant is 60-80 cm . The maturation period is 100 days.
The skin of the fruit is smooth, hard and waxy with a glossy sheen, when ripe it takes on a color from green to bright red. Under the skin, the flesh is crispy and juicy. In technical ripeness, the fruits have a green color, in biological - bright red.
Fresno pepper has an earthy and fruity taste with moderate or acute heat levels from 2500 to 10,000 units on the Scoville scale. When cooked, the pepper acquires a sweet smoky aroma.
The main difference between Fresno and Jalapeno is that the wall thickness of Fresno is thinner and it does not "oaken" when ripe, like Jalapeno, which expands its gastronomic potential.