Thai chili pepper 5 PCS fresh seeds, Capsicum annuum, Thai very hot chili, Thai red spicy pepper, Organic seeds, Heirloom seeds, Non GMO
Oreshka seeds
Thai chili pepper fresh seeds, Thai very hot chili, Thai red spicy pepper, Organic seeds, Heirloom seeds, Non GMO (lat. Capsicum Annuum).
This variety of hot pepper belongs to the Piquin varietal group. The plant is compact, up to 50 cm in height, with active branching. The pods are small, up to 3 cm in length.
In the technical maturity of green, then fade into dark red. The sharpness is high, more than 150,000 scovilles. The nature of the sharpness is aggressive and percussive.
The vegetation period is 150-160 days. It is well suited for growing in greenhouses and at home in a container of 2 liters.
Fresh consumption, drying, whole-fruit canning and use in home canned food.