Cucumber Chinese Snakes 20 PCS fresh seeds, Cucumis sativus L.
Oreshka seeds
Cucumber Chinese Snakes (Cucumis sativus L.)
It is distinguished by its unusual appearance and early fruiting. The first cucumbers are ready for harvest at the end of May, since on the 30th day after germination of the plant, the fruits reach technical maturity. It must be grown in greenhouses.
Early ripening hybrid. The variety belongs to the category of parthenocartic, that is, not requiring pollination (fruits are formed without seeds).
Cucumbers are narrow cylindrical in shape (maximum 7 cm in diameter), with a length of 50 to 80 cm. Lighter short stripes are visible on the dark green skin. The fruit is covered with large tubercles with spines. The average weight of greens is 350–400 g. They can be canned, salted, or eaten fresh.
The Chinese snake shows a fairly high yield: 8–9 kg per 1 m2. Greenhouse cultivation is more suitable for the variety, since yields will be smaller in open ground.
The variety is distinguished by its resistance to drought and can grow in some shade. High temperatures do not harm the plants, although abundant watering is required these days.