The fruits of the Buyan have a rounded-elongated plum-shaped shape. A ripe fruit on average can weigh from 80 to 150 g, has a fleshy pulp and a thick smooth skin, a sour-sweet taste. There are few seeds in the pulp: there are 3-6 seed chambers in one fruit. The variety does not respond to climatic changes: it safely survives cold weather, does not suffer from drought. Viruses and fungal lesions are also not terrible for him— excellent immunity to various kinds of microorganisms. The fruits of this variety can be red and yellow. At the same time, the yellow variety of the Brawler does not differ in taste from the red one: the differences are only in color and in a more elongated form. This tomato belongs to a low-growing type of plants (a determinant variety), that is, when reaching a certain size, it stops growing, which is very convenient for gardeners: it is not necessary to tie up bushes, remove excess leaves. Thanks to this, the Buyan is well grown in the greenhouse. Up to 8 kg of fruits are obtained from one square meter.