Roma tomato 10 PCS fresh seeds, Solanum lycopersicum
Oreshka seeds
Roma tomato (lat. Solanum lycopersicum)
Determinant, powerful, medium-sized – the height reaches 60-70 cm. The best yield can be achieved when forming a bush in 1-2 stems. Rum is a medium-ripened hybrid, the period of full ripening of the fruits from the moment of emergence until the fruits reach technical ripeness is 120-125 days. In the warm climate of the southern regions, at normal temperatures, the crop has time to ripen in the open ground or under a temporary film shelter, in other regions — in greenhouses. The weight of the tomato Rum fruit is 60-90 grams. The fruits of the Rum tomato variety are cylindrical plum-shaped (cream) with a pronounced sharp tip, red in color. The flesh is dense, fleshy, good taste. The fruits are perfectly transported, they retain their taste qualities for a long time, they are hard, they do not crack during canning, they retain their taste and shape. Tomatoes of this variety react very poorly to high humidity: flowering plants are practically not pollinated, and the risk of fungal diseases increases sharply.