Hot pepper Habanero hot lemon 5 PCS fresh seeds, Chilli yellow pepper seeds, Spicy pepper seeds, Capsicum chinense, Organic seeds, Non GMO

Oreshka seeds
Hot pepper Habanero hot lemon fresh seeds, Chilli yellow pepper seeds, Spicy pepper seeds, Organic seeds, Non GMO (lat. Capsicum chinense).

Habanero variety with lemon-colored pods. Sharpness up to 400,000 scovilles. The pods are elongated and irregular in shape. The height of the plant is up to 110 cm with active lateral branching.

This kind of hot pepper is very productive. The aroma and taste are fruity, characteristic of the habanero varietal group. The vegetation period is from 170 days.

For growing in greenhouses and at home in a pot of 5 liters. For fresh use and for making sauces.

Pepper: Pepper

See also