Giant Pepper tomato 10 PCS fresh seeds, Solanum lycopersicum

Oreshka seeds
Giant Pepper tomato (lat. Solanum lycopersicum)

Indeterminate-grows throughout the season; tall-150-200 cm; medium-ripe-fruits are formed in 110-120 days.
The bush is tall, with large leaves of dark green color. It tolerates temperature changes, night frosts, so the variety is grown even in the northern regions. Inflorescences of a simple type, flowers are small, yellow. 6-9 tomatoes of medium and large size are formed on each brush.
Tomatoes of the Pepper-shaped giant variety (pictured) have a characteristic elongated shape. The fruits are large-10-15 cm long, the average weight is 150-200 g. The skin is dense, bright red, with a pleasant gloss. There are not many seeds, they are located in three or four chambers. The fruits are hardy and transportable – they can be transported over long distances.
The flesh is fleshy, dense consistency, tender. The taste is characterized as excellent. It harmoniously combines moderate sweet tones with a delicate sourness.

Tomato: Tomato

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