Hot pepper Demon red 5 PCS fresh seeds, Chilli pepper seeds, Spicy red pepper seeds, Capsicum annuum, Pepper veg, Organic seeds, Non GMO
Oreshka seeds
Hot pepper Demon red fresh seeds, Chilli pepper seeds, Spicy red pepper seeds, Pepper veg, Organic seeds, Non GMO (lat. Capsicum annuum).
This variety of hot pepper belongs to the Piquin varietal group. It grows well in a multi-year regime. In the second year, it can grow into a large bush up to 1.5 meters in height with thousands of small pods.
In technical maturity, the pods have a green color, and then fade into scarlet. Very sharp, more than 150,000 scovilles. The fragrance is classic, peppery with a smoky note.
It can be grown at home in a container of 1.5 liters. It gives the best results when grown in a greenhouse in a container of 10 liters or in the ground.