Pumpkin Decorative Giant bottle 5 PCS fresh seeds

Oreshka seeds
Pumpkin decorative Giant bottle
Is healthy and delicious, has the most important advantage over its relatives-an amazing appearance and decorativeness. The plant is also known by the names "lagenaria pumpkin", "crockery pumpkin", "Indian cucumber", "gourd gorlyanka". The peculiarity of the vegetable is an unusual shape that resembles a bottle, hence the name.
Bottle Lagenaria It is considered a compact plant, since the length of the liana does not exceed 3 meters, the fruit is 70 cm. The main purpose is to decorate a garden or a dacha plot. The leaves are pentagons, large, attached to the stem by long petioles. The flowers are similar in shape to glasses, have an unusual feature: at dawn they are pale cream, and in the late afternoon they become snow-white.

Pumpkin: Pumpkin

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