Sweet pepper Hercules 10 PCS fresh seeds, Piper

Oreshka seeds
Sweet pepper Hercules (Latin Piper)

The plant is semi-spreading, it needs to be tied to a support due to the severity of the fruits. The stem is powerful. The leaves are of standard size, painted dark green. Flowering occurs after 2.5 months from the appearance of seedlings.

The fruits are cuboid, arranged downwards with the tops. Incredibly shiny, smooth, red. Their weight on average reaches 200 g with a length of the fetus up to 12 cm. There are truly giant peppers – up to 300 g . The fruits are thick-walled, the thickness of the partition is not less than 6-7 mm. They have a pleasant sweet taste, without unpleasant bitterness. The flesh is quite fleshy, moderately dense and juicy.

They are eaten fresh, added to salads, various hot dishes, used as a decoration. In addition, peppers are stuffed, canned, frozen.

Pepper: Pepper

See also