Broccoli 30+ fresh seeds. Brassica oleracea var. cymosa 'linda'

Oreshka seeds
Medium-ripened variety, from germination to technical ripeness 85 days. It forms a large dark green elliptical head of medium density, weighing 300-400 g. After cutting the main head, it gives up to 7 second-order offspring heads of 50-70 g each. Commercial yield is high, 4 kg / m2. The rich content of the "beauty vitamin" – betacarotene-is useful for vision and skin condition, chlorophyll has a positive effect on blood composition, and a high level of vitamin U has an anti-ulcer effect. In the light of the latest scientific data, broccoli is a unique product for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Sulforaphane, synegrine and I3C present in inflorescences and young stems can stop the development of cancer cells. In order to preserve everything useful as much as possible, heat treatment should be minimal.
For early production, sow seedlings in mid-March. Picking in the cotyledon phase. Planting seedlings in the ground in late April-early may, at the age of 35-45 days with 4-5 real leaves according to the scheme 60x30 cm. To extend the broccoli consumption season, you can sow seeds on seedlings at intervals of 2 weeks 3-4 times per season and use varieties of different maturation periods. It is possible to sow seeds in the open ground from may to early July, to a depth of 0.5-1 cm.
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