California Miracle Red Pepper 10 PCS fresh seeds

Oreshka seeds
California Miracle Red Pepper
Sweet pepper is one of the most popular vegetable crops. It contains many useful trace elements and vitamins, and also has a pleasant taste. Pepper California miracle is characterized by a high concentration of sugar in the fruit. And according to the content of ascorbic acid, it can be compared with black currant.
One of the most outstanding varieties of sweet pepper — the California miracle, despite the exotic name, feels great in domestic vegetable gardens. Externally, it is not inferior to hybrid species: the same high and powerful bushes with strong trunks and branches, huge beautiful fruits, excellent taste.
Bushes of medium size, grow up to 60-75 cm. The fruits are cuboid in shape with a ribbed surface, divided into four segments. They are covered with a dense, shiny and smooth skin.
The flesh is fleshy, sweet, juicy. The wall thickness is 6-8 mm.
Ripe peppers acquire a rich red color, and at the stage of technical maturity they have a green color.
A special feature of the variety is the high sugar content. According to this indicator, the California miracle exceeds other varieties twice.
The red-fruit variation is considered the most common and familiar for this variety. However, there are still such types as pepper California miracle gold, California miracle yellow and orange. With the exception of the color of the fruit, they do not have any pronounced differences from the red-fruit type, they are grown in the same way.

Pepper: Pepper

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