Big round dikon Sasha 50 fresh seeds. Raphanus sativus subsp. acanthiformis

Oreshka seeds
Daikon "Sasha" refers to the early ripening varieties. After 35-45 days, you can get the first product.
The root crop of the daikon "Sasha" is round, large, and white. The root crop in this variety rises half above the soil, which makes it easier to clean.
The flesh is juicy, fragile, without voids, pale white, slightly greenish on top.
The taste is sweet and sharp, does not contain glycosides, which give sharpness to radishes.
It is used for fresh consumption. Ideal for dietary and baby food.
Daikon root vegetables "Sasha" are preserved for a long time, after 1-2 months they do not lose their original taste and product qualities.
Root crop weight: 200-400g
Root crop diameter: 10-11 cm
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