Groundnut seeds
It's hard to find a person who doesn't like nuts! They are delicious both on their own and in culinary products.
The harvest of most of them has to wait long enough. But there is one who will please with abundant fruits in the first year of planting. This is a groundnut or peanut.
It is surprising that it is a rare guest on garden plots, because many varieties have been bred that are suitable for various regions. In its southern sides, peanuts are planted immediately in the ground, in the Central ones-through seedlings, since it needs a temperature of at least 14⁰ to germinate.
Caring for peanuts is not difficult.
He does not like frequent watering - only in case of drought, and before harvesting it is recommended to stop it for a month.
Spud the plant in several stages, until the entire stem will not be underground.
The most interesting thing is the flowering of the groundnut! Bright yellow flowers delight with their charm for only one day, then an ovary is formed, which stretches to the ground until it completely sinks into it. There, the fetus develops to full maturity. For this purpose, constant hilling is carried out.
The harvest is held in September-October, depending on the growing region. To make sure that the fruit is ripe, you can dig up the bush. If the seeds are easily obtained from the beans, the peanuts are ready. Removing it from the ground should be left to dry for a while - this will facilitate the procedure of separating the beans from the roots.
If you are intrigued by the unusual process of growing groundnuts, but there is no site for practice, do not get upset. This crop grows successfully at home. Provide him with a sunnyplace and a wide pot, and he will thank you with delicious fruits.
Decided to diversify the routine gardening work is not the usual cultivation of a new crop?
Peanut seeds can be purchased from us.
Shipping is carried out all over the world.